Winter Hazard Awareness Week | Nov 18 - 22
The County GIS Web Map Viewer will be temporarily unavailable for maintenance on Thursday, February 13th, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
County offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of President's Day
U of M Extension / 4-H
M-F | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
307 2nd St NW, Rm. 208, Aitkin, MN
Julianna Langlois / Program Coordinator

University of Minnesota Aitkin County

Mission: Making a difference by connecting community needs and University resources to address critical issues in Minnesota.

Description: The University of Minnesota Extension is committed to delivering high-quality, relevant educational programs and information to Minnesota citizens and communities. Our statewide network of researchers, educators, and volunteers addresses critical needs by focusing on issues where research-based education can make a difference.

  • Addresses critical issues through research and education
  • Works in urban, suburban, and rural Minnesota communities
  • Builds the capacity of individuals and communities to address critical issues
  • Works in partnership with private organizations and local, state, and national governments
  • Creates and responds to opportunities for learning
  • Fosters the strength that comes from diversity
  • Leverages private and public resources

Extension's statewide network focuses on:

  • Community development and vitality
  • Land, food, and environment
  • Youth development and family living

The Extension Staff works with communities to develop partnerships of citizens and resource people in a variety of work groups to identify needs and develop programs to meet those needs.  The involvement of local citizens in the identification and planning process insures program relevancy and support.   Information provided is presented by regional educators, University of Minnesota Specialists, or community resource people with expertise in specific areas.