Aitkin County Board of Commissioners

From left to right: Laurie Westerlund, Travis Leiviska, Michael Kearney, Bret Sample, J. Mark Wedel.
The Board provides elected representation of the County with legislative control over matters of policy, as established by State Statute. The County Board exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an annual budget certified by major fund. The County Board appoints various citizen committees to render advice on legislative and policy-related matters and provides general direction to the operating departments through the County Administrator.
Aitkin County Board Members
District 1
J. Mark WedelChair
District 2
Laurie Westerlund
District 3
Travis Leiviska
District 4
Bret Sample
District 5
Michael KearneyVice Chair
District 1 Commissioner
J. Mark Wedel - Chair
- Cities/Townships: Aitkin
- Term: 2023 - 2026
- Address: 515 Sixth Avenue SE, Aitkin, Minnesota 56431
- 218-927-6500
- 218-838-9324 (cell)

- Committees:
- Aitkin Airport Commission
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
- Aitkin County Community Corrections
- Aitkin County Water Planning Task Force
- Aitkin Economic Development Administration
- Brainerd 1 Watershed 1 Plan
- Budget Committee
- Economic Development
- Emergency Management
- Facilities/Technology
- H&HS Advisory (Liaison)
- Personnel/Insurance
- Sobriety Court
- Solid Waste Advisory
- Toward Zero Deaths
District 2 Commissioner
Laurie Westerlund
- Cities/Townships: Farm Island, Hazelton, Malmo, Nordland, Wealthwood
- Term: 2021-2024
- Address: 30517 270th Lane, Aitkin, MN 56431
- 320-684-2652 (home)
- 218-838-7605 (cell)

- Committees:
- AMC Delegates
- Aitkin County Community Corrections
- Anoka County JPA Advisory Board
- Arrowhead Counties Association (Alt.)
- ATV Committee
- Budget Committee
- Extension (Alt.)
- Facilities/Technology
- Mille Lacs Fisheries lnput Group
- MN Rural Counties (Alt.)
- Northeast MN Emergency Communications Board (ECB) (Alt.)
- Northeast Waste Advisory Council (Alt.)
- Northern Counties Land Use Coordinating Board
- Personnel/Insurance
- Planning Commission
- Rum 1W1P Policy Committee
- Tri-County Community Health Services
District 3 Commissioner
Travis Leiviska - Vice Chair
- Cities/Townships: Beaver, Glen, Idun, Kimberly, Lakeside, Lee, McGrath, Millward North, Millward South, Pliny, Rice River, Salo, Seavey, Spalding, Spencer, Wagner, White Pine, William, Unorganized Townships: 47-24, 45-24
- Term: 2023-2026
- Address: 33589 State Hwy. 47, Aitkin, MN 56431
- 218-513-8613

- Committees:
- General Government
- Aitkin County CARE Board
- Arrowhead Regional Development Comm.
- East Central Regional Library Board
- H&HS Advisory (Liaison)
- Historical Society (Liaison)
- Lakes and Pines
- Law Library
- Mille Lacs Watershed
- NE MN Office Job Training
- Northeast MN Emergency Communications Board (ECB)
- Ordinance
- Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (Alt.)
- MN Rural Counties (Alt.)
- Northeast MN ATP (Alt.)
- Rum 1W1P Policy Committee (Alt.)
- Snake River Watershed (Alt.)
- Snake River 1W1P Policy (Alt.)
District 4 Commissioner
Bret Sample
- Cities/Townships: Balsam, Clark, Cornish, Haugen, Jevne, Libby, McGregor, Morrison, Shamrock, Tamarack, Turner, Verdon, Workman, Unorganized Townships: 51-22, 52-22
- Term: 2023-2024
- Address: 23380 450th Street, McGregor, MN 55760
- 218-839-1376

- Committees:
- Environment & Natural Resources Policy
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
- ATV Committee
- Big Sandy Lake Management Plan
- Economic Development
- Environmental Assessment Worksheet
- Joint Powers Natural Resource Board
- Natural Resources Advisory Committee
- Northeast Waste Advisory Council
- Ordinance
- Snake River Watershed
- Snake River 1W1P Policy
- Arrowhead Regional Development Comm. (Alt.)
- East Central Regional Library Board (Alt.)
- Mississippi Headwaters Board (Alt.)
- Natural Resources Advisory Committee (Alt.)
- Solid Waste Advisory (Alt.)
District 5 Commissioner
Michael Kearney
- Cities/Townships: Ball Bluff, Fleming, Hill City, Hill Lake, Logan, MacVille, Palisade, Turner, Waukenabo, Unorganized Townships: 48-27, 49-26, 49-27, 50-25, 50-26, 50-27, 51-25, 51-27, 52-24, 52-25, 52-27
- Term: 2023-2026
- Address: 54276 US Hwy 169, Palisade, MN 56469
- 218-839-1329

- Committees:
- Age-Friendly Changemakers
- Transportation Policy
- Arrowhead Counties Association
- Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
- Environmental Assessment Worksheet
- Extension
- McGregor Airport Commission
- Mississippi Grand Rapids 1W1P
- Mississippi Headwaters Board
- Natural Resources Advisory Committee
- Northeast MN ATP
- Big Sandy Lake Management Plan (Alt.)
- Joint Powers Natural Resource Board (Alt.)
- Lakes and Pines (Alt.)
- Law Library (Alt.)
- Northern Counties Land Use Coordinating Board (Alt.)
- Planning Commission (Alt.)